Centrale Fies Live Works, Dro, Italy
ANTI Festival, Kuopio, Finland

SLIT is a performance where two athletic boy tropes touch each other’s vocal chords.
Amidst the traditional human condition, two athletic boy tropes find a way to tap into a tender beat of a performance called SLIT. As they touch each other’s vocal chords by pushing their hands down their throats, the fingers are greeted with the grasp of the throat, unable to produce a sound.
Whether it be a plain song, a humming chant, a joyous warm expression, the performers produce a language of uncodedness, of vulnerability, of strangeness – a language of mirroring inner and outer selves for their audience. Cycling through soundscapes and shifting postures, they attempt to manipulate their surrounding people and space.
SLIT is performed by Artor Jesus Inkerö and Teo Ala-Ruona. The work is choreographed in collaboration with Eve Stainton. The sound composition is made by Minna Koivisto and sound assistant Juulia Haverinen. The costume design is made by Ervin Latimer.
Centrale Fies Live Works Summit, July 2023 (Dro, Italy)
EHKÄ Kutomo, August 2023 (Turku, Finland)
ANTI Festival, September 2023 (Kuopio, Finland)
EHKÄ Kutomo, August 2023 (Turku, Finland)
ANTI Festival, September 2023 (Kuopio, Finland)
Photographs: ANTI Festival, Akseli Muraja
Video documentation trailer: Centrale Fies, Roberta Segata
Video documentation trailer: Centrale Fies, Roberta Segata